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Migrate links for vulnerability findings from

Zamir Martins requested to merge migrate_links_for_vulnerability_findings into master

What does this MR do and why?

Migrate links from vulnerability_occurences text column (raw_data) into its own table vulnerability_finding_links.

Related issue: #362661 (closed)

DB migrate/rollback

$ bundle exec rails db:migrate
main: == 20230208125736 ScheduleMigrationForLinks: migrating ========================
main: == 20230208125736 ScheduleMigrationForLinks: migrated (0.0493s) ===============
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate:down:main VERSION=20230208125736
main: == 20230208125736 ScheduleMigrationForLinks: reverting ========================
main: == 20230208125736 ScheduleMigrationForLinks: reverted (0.0231s) ===============

Query plan


Bulk insert queries through upsert_all:

INSERT INTO "vulnerability_finding_links" ("vulnerability_occurrence_id","name","url","created_at","updated_at") VALUES (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456385', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456417'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456425', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456428'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456434', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456437'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456444', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456446'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456452', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456455'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456462', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456464'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456470', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456472'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456479', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456481'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456487', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456489'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456494', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456496'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456503', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456506'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456512', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456514'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456520', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456522'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456529', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456531'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456536', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456538'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456544', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456546'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456551', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456553'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456559', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456561'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456566', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456568'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456574', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456576'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456582', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456584'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456590', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456593'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456599', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456601'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456606', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456608'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456614', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456616'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456621', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456623'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456628', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456631'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456636', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456638'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456644', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456646'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456651', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456653'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456659', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456661'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456666', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456669'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456675', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456677'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456684', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456686'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456691', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456694'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456700', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456703'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456708', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456710'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456717', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456719'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456725', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456728'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456733', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456735'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456741', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456748'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456754', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456756'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456763', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456765'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456771', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456774'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456780', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456787'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456793', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456795'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456801', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456803'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456809', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456811'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456817', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456819'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456825', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456827'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456833', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456835'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456842', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456844'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456850', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456852'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456858', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456860'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456865', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456867'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456873', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456875'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456881', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456883'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456889', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456891'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456897', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456899'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456905', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456907'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456912', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456915'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456921', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456923'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456930', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456932'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456937', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456939'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456946', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456948'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456953', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456955'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456960', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456963'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456968', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456970'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456975', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456977'), (543, NULL, '', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456983', '2023-02-17 12:41:14.456985') ON CONFLICT ("id") DO UPDATE SET "vulnerability_occurrence_id"=excluded."vulnerability_occurrence_id","name"=excluded."name","url"=excluded."url","created_at"=excluded."created_at","updated_at"=excluded."updated_at"

DB test job

Link: !111454 (comment 1270848930)

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Zamir Martins

Merge request reports