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Danger: Don't suggest `match_array` for single-element arrays

Peter Leitzen requested to merge pl-danger-specs-match-single into master

What does this MR do and why?

This MR adjust danger plugin specs to not suggest to use match_array on a single-element array literal.

Doing so is useless and confusing to the reader as the intent of the expectation is not clear.

Danger only suggest to use match_array if the array literal contains a comma (,) indicating a non-single-element list.

Screenshots or screen recordings

Verified on this MR

RuboCop - a potential follow-up?

Using the 👮 (see code below) we are seeing 914 offenses where match_array is used but could be a plain eq.

14086 files inspected, 914 offenses detected, 914 offenses autocorrectable
Click to see code
# frozen_string_literal: true

module RuboCop
  module Cop
    module RSpec
      class MatchArraySingle < RuboCop::Cop::Base
        extend RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector

        MSG = 'Prefer `eq` over `match_array` on a single-element array literal.'

        RESTRICT_ON_SEND = %i[match_array]

        def_node_matcher :match_array, <<~PATTERN
          (send nil? :match_array $(array ...) ...)

        def on_send(node)
          match_array(node) do |param|
            next unless param.values.size == 1

            add_offense(node.loc.selector) do |corrector|
              corrector.replace(node.loc.selector, 'eq')

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Peter Leitzen

Merge request reports