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Design comment removal metric

What does this MR do and why?

Here you can find the snowplow event and redis counters which are getting issued/updated when a design comment is deleted (using the destroyNote GraphQL mutation). Instrumentation here follows the same structure as existing issue_design_* events which were migrated in !95325 (merged).

New redis counters:

  • redis_hll_counters.issues_edit.g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed_weekly
  • redis_hll_counters.issues_edit.g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed_monthly

New event: g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed

Screenshots or screen recordings

Usage data on side
pry(main)> ::UsageData.last.redis_hll_counters.dig('issues_edit', 'g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed_monthly')
  UsageData Load (11.5ms)  SELECT "usage_data".* FROM "usage_data" ORDER BY "usage_data"."id" DESC LIMIT $1  [["LIMIT", 1]]
=> 1
pry(main)> ::UsageData.last.redis_hll_counters.dig('issues_edit', 'g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed_weekly')
  UsageData Load (5.7ms)  SELECT "usage_data".* FROM "usage_data" ORDER BY "usage_data"."id" DESC LIMIT $1  [["LIMIT", 1]]
=> 1
Snowplow event
    "rawEvent": {
      "api": {
        "vendor": "com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow",
        "version": "tp1"
      "parameters": {
        "se_pr": "g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed",
        "se_ac": "perform_issue_action",
        "se_la": "redis_hll_counters.issues_edit.issues_edit_total_unique_counts_monthly",
        "se_ca": "issues_edit",
        # ...
      "contentType": null,
      "source": {
        # ...
      "context": {
        # ...
    "eventType": "struct",
    "schema": "",
    "contexts": [
    "event": {
      # ...
      "contexts": {
        "schema": "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/contexts/jsonschema/1-0-0",
        "data": [
            "schema": "iglu:com.gitlab/gitlab_standard/jsonschema/1-0-8",
            "data": {
              "environment": "development",
              "source": "gitlab-rails",
              "plan": "default",
              "extra": {
              "user_id": 1,
              "namespace_id": 75,
              "project_id": 20,
              "context_generated_at": "2023-01-16 20:40:09 UTC"
            "schema": "iglu:com.gitlab/gitlab_service_ping/jsonschema/1-0-0",
            "data": {
              "data_source": "redis_hll",
              "event_name": "g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed"
      "se_category": "issues_edit",
      "se_action": "perform_issue_action",
      "se_label": "redis_hll_counters.issues_edit.issues_edit_total_unique_counts_monthly",
      "se_property": "g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed",
      # ...

How to set up and validate locally

Emit event

  1. Pick an issue (Example: Local gdk.test Wget2#1)
  2. Add a design and start a discussion on it
  3. Remove the last design discussion by running the following 👇 GraphQL mutation


mutation destroyNote($input: DestroyNoteInput!) {
  destroyNote(input: $input) {

Query variables:

  "input": {
    "id": "gid://gitlab/DiffNote/1"

Please, use output of bin/rails r 'puts "gid://gitlab/DiffNote/#{}"' as value.

Check service ping

First thing is to check that the new metric definitions appear on usage data API response curl http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/usage_data/metric_definitions | grep -C 5 'g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed_' (and will be picked by

The second thing is the counter value, to check it run the following lines on rails console

usage =
puts "removed_monthly: #{usage.dig('redis_hll_counters', 'issues_edit', 'g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed_monthly')}"
puts "removed_weekly: #{usage.dig('redis_hll_counters', 'issues_edit', 'g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed_weekly')}"

Output should be

removed_monthly: 1
removed_weekly: 1

P.S To perfrom an E2E test please use the following guide or just reach out to me and I will help to configure local environment for it.

Check snowplow event


  1. Configure snowplow-micro locally
  2. Make sure it's running by resetting data using curl http://localhost:9091/micro/reset (PREVIOUS EVENTS WILL BE REMOVED)

Run in terminal

curl http://localhost:9091/micro/good

There should be an instance of "event_name": "g_project_management_issue_design_comments_removed".

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #297662 (closed)

Edited by Stanislav Dobrovolschii

Merge request reports