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Keyset pagination for `Jobs` API Index endpoint

What does this MR do and why?

Introducing functionality for keyset pagination on projects/:id/jobs endpoint.

This is because current queries some customers are using take too long with a high offset.

With the ability to use keyset pagination, these customers can query next pages without overloading the database and timing out requests.

Screenshots or screen recordings


Here we see the params are pagination=keyset and response headers has link filled in with next cursor

Database Queries

Keyset Pagination will use the following

SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" = 'Ci::Build' AND "ci_builds"."project_id" = 13083 AND ("ci_builds"."id" < 3566739863) ORDER BY "ci_builds"."id" DESC LIMIT 51

While Previously Offset Pagination uses the following

SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."type" = 'Ci::Build' AND "ci_builds"."project_id" = 13083 ORDER BY "ci_builds"."id" DESC LIMIT 51 OFFSET 800

How to set up and validate locally

After checking out the branch

In your browser or api extension

  1. Send request to:
  2. This should return jobs sorted by id: desc
  3. Additional filters can be added eg:[]=canceled
  4. Where scope is one or many of:

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #362172 (closed)

Edited by Max Fan

Merge request reports