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Draft: Filter environments when fetching agent authorizations

Pam Artiaga requested to merge pam/ci-access-environments-filter-demo into master

Note: This is just a demo MR to facilitate discussion on how to implement #343885 (closed).


We intend to filter the agent authorizations by environment (if applicable) in these 2 places:

In both places, the agent authorizations are fetched through the AgentAuthorizationsFinder. The allowed_agents API directly calls the AgentAuthorizationsFinder. In GenerateKubeconfigService, the agent authorizations is fetched through pipeline.cluster_agent_authorizations, which uses the AgentAuthorizationsFinder.

Proposed Changes / Points of Discussion

Note: these aren't options. They can be implemented together.

Proposed Change 1

The first change that is done here is to move the AgentAuthorizationsFinder call away from the Pipeline model and directly call it in GenerateKubeconfigService instead.

  • pipeline.cluster_agent_authorizations isn't called anywhere else
  • this change caused issues in the generate_kubeconfig_service_spec due to the mocks no longer matching how the fetching of agent_authorizations is implemented. Questions:
    • is the mocking necessary? IE, to make the test faster, or is there another reason for it? Could we test against actual database records like the change introduced in this MR?
    • I've had to change the create setups in order to make the test pass. Does this match how the actual data should be? (IE, in terms of how the project, pipeline, build, agent, and authorization records are connected)

I don't have enough familiarity with the codebase, so I don't know if I'm missing a reason why we can't make this change.

Proposed Change 2

In this MR, filtering by environment is done through a filter_by_environment on the AgentAuthorizationsFinder. (The filtering logic to be added in the actual MR).

An alternative, as discussed with @tigerwnz, is to introduce a service that will be used for filtering the authorizations by environment. So something like (correct me if I misunderstood you, Tiger 😅 )...

# service class

class Clusters::FilterAgentAuthorizationsByEnvironment
  def initialize(agent_authorizations, environment)

  def execute

# this can then be called as such:
authorizations =
filtered_authorizations =, environment).execute

In either implementation (AgentAuthorizationsFinder.filter_by_environment method or FilterAgentAuthorizationsByEnvironment service), the filtering will be done on the GenerateKubeconfigService (and not on the pipeline.cluster_agent_authorizations) for the KUBECONFIG generation if we implement Proposed Change 1

Edited by Pam Artiaga

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