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Draft: Package registry request forward 🏓 s

David Fernandez requested to merge 10io-request-forward-ping-pong into master

🔭 Context

This is a quick and rushed Proof of Concept for #379187 (closed).

It is meant to bring answers to the viability of that suggested change.

This was done in literally 20.minutes of my time.

This is not a production grade change. Don't ever use or merge this in production systems.

🔬 What does this MR do and why?

  • Add a new packages_project_settings table.
  • Update the NPM request forward feature to read the custom url from the packages_project_settings first.
    • if set, that will be the target of the forward.
    • if not, the actual implementation is followed: forward to

🍿 Demo

  1. Create 3 projects: A, B, C
  2. In a rails console, for project A:
    Project.find(<project A id>).create_packages_settings(npm_request_forward_to_url: 'http://gdk.test:8000/api/v4/projects/<project B id>/packages/npm/')
  3. for project B:
    Project.find(<project B id>).create_packages_settings(npm_request_forward_to_url: 'http://gdk.test:8000/api/v4/projects/<project C id>/packages/npm/')
  4. Push a @foobar/test npm package to Project B

In a folder, have an .npmrc file:

@babel:registry=http://gdk.test:8000/api/v4/projects/<project A id>/packages/npm/
@foobar:registry=http://gdk.test:8000/api/v4/projects/<project A id>/packages/npm/
//gdk.test:8000/api/v4/projects/<project A id>/packages/npm/:_authToken=<pat>
//gdk.test:8000/api/v4/projects/<project B id>/packages/npm/:_authToken=<pat>
//gdk.test:8000/api/v4/projects/<project C id>/packages/npm/:_authToken=<pat>

Now, with this configuration, let's pull @foobar/test:

$ npm install @foobar/bananas          

added 1 package in 2s

Here are the requests made:


  • We can see the request made to project A and B.
  • The package is fetched from project B 🎉

Let's pull @babel/parser:

npm install @babel/parser

added 1 package, and audited 2 packages in 1s

found 0 vulnerabilities

Here are the request made:


  • We can see the 🏓 to Project A, B, C and finally
  • The package is fetched from

Merge request reports