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Prioritized labels

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  • design-weight1
    (Trivial) Mostly small UI changes leading to small incremental UX improvements. No users’ workflow involved in these changes. Requirements are clear and there are no unanswered questions.
  • design-weight13
    Highly significant changes impacting multiple user flows, a large new feature, and/or a complete redesign. This issue could significantly impact product strategy and would require critical input from others (the wider GitLab community, e-group, customers), and there are many unknowns. This necessitates research where the designer could team up with a researcher and other designers to gather input data, plan and conduct exploratory interviews, lead user testing sessions… It's unlikely we would commit to complete this issue in a milestone, and the preference would be to further clarify requirements and/or break it into smaller issues planned in several milestones.
  • design-weight2
    (Small) Simple UI or UX change where we understand all of the requirements but may need to find solutions to known questions/problems. These changes should blend in with an actual user workflow.
  • design-weight3
    (Medium) A well-understood change but the scope of work is bigger. Several pages are involved and/or we're starting to design/redesign small flows or connect existing flows between each other. Designers may conduct extensive background research (previous issues, support tickets, review past user research, review analytics, etc). Some unknown questions may arise during the work.
  • design-weight5
    (Large) A complex change where input from group members is needed as early as possible. Spans across multiple pages, and we're working on medium-sized flows that potentially connect with another area of the product. There are significant open questions that need to be answered. The product designer may need to do some research on their own or in collaboration with a researcher, but this isn't always the case. Possible research activities might be to find and/or validate a Job To Be Done, conduct user testing or card-sorting, or do a survey.
  • design-weight8
    (Very large) Complicated changes introducing a new user flow that connects with other large flows and may require input from other designers, product managers, or engineers from the same or another stage group. This is the largest flow design/redesign that we would take on in a single milestone. This requires research where the designer may or may not be working with a researcher to plan and conduct exploratory interviews or user testing sessions