Value stream forecasting - [FE] Introduce forecasting to VSD comparison panel
Problem to solve
Today, few teams can answer how long their software projects take, and even fewer can answer how long each stage in the process takes. Without this information, most teams are flying blind on their estimates, using past experiences and best guesses to best calculate the time or level of effort that it will take to get from an idea to production.
Engineering and product managers need the ability to build project forecast based on team's metrics.
Related to this feedback.
Background context
... can have MVC of adding the forecasting to VSD comparison panel sparkline with dashed line for the next 30 days forecasting?
Open questions
For an MVC, should we start with Deployment frequency first since we started that work on -
Does it make sense to add the forecast to the sparkline? Could just showing the forecasted trend as a percentage change be enough?
Possible limitations
In general monthly prediction requires couple years of data to detect yearly periods in the metric. Tools like Azure AutoML use various models behind e.g. Prophet. I think is better place for this discussion.