For IT projects it is often the case that the customer pay per hours of work done in a sprint.
So it would be great if we can export the spend time (per User) from a Group/Project/Milestone so we get a nice log for the customer invoice.
An export view like JIRA Tempo would be great.
Permissions and Security
For the user time sheet the user himself.
For the project manager, the user accossiated with the group/project/milestone.
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What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
What is the type of buyer?
Should be available for every paid account.
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@tim.ingensiep Time tracking info is currently exportable via the CSV export functionality available for Starter/Bronze plans. This includes estimates and time spent:
@gweaver What do you think about this one please? Time tracking is available in Core but export facilities are in the paid plans. It's still possible to gather this information in Core via the API
My understanding of the core of this issue is that customers want support for tracking individual team member time spent, not just time spent by anyone on an issue. Simply exporting that data to CSV does not provide individual time tracking.
On that subject, there was another support ticket (internal) where someone is asking about tracking engineer time spent, not just issue time spent. Features they would like to have include burndown charts with hours spent (instead of issues, it would be for using up an 80 hour sprint), as well as hours-based capacity and sprint planning.
Interested if there has been any UX input in this? I'm very intrigued by this feature request and did some work on it myself that I wanted to contribute and get feedback on. Here are some notes on my contribution:
Users would access the report at a project level
The search input field would allow users to filter the report by assignees, milestone, or issue relevant to that project
The dates can also be customized with the date picker
I think that in the use case where you have many users working on many issues within a project, then the left column might be hard to navigate. I don't know hard it is to collapse or if providing a collapse/expand button is good UX, but that might help for use cases with lots of users.
Would it be possible to provide a couple of different grouping options, which could impact the left column?
At the moment the left column has a group/hierarchy of Assignee > Issue.
Could something be added to the date picker/filter area to switch between some different "Group By" options:
Assignee > Issue
Issue > Assignee
Issue - this would show total hours spent for each issue across all users who logged spent time.
Assignee - this would show total hours spent for each user across all issues where the user logged time.
We use 1 gitlab issue for "1 piece of work" for a customer. Multiple employees work on it, each employee logs their time spent on the issue. We invoice the customer based on the total time spent on that 1 issue.
Excellent point. One problem with collapse/expand option is how would the user know which assignee they're looking at. Perhaps having a more condensed view of that panel to just show the assignee's name would be a better experience. I wonder if @gitlab-com/gitlab-ux can provide insight into the progress and maturity of this feature?
@thuy.luong Re: #208663 (comment 705124391), I'm wondering what would happen if the user selected a month or 2 date range... does it show only up to 2 weeks in that view and anything more would be horizontal scroll?
@npost Thanks for jumping in here! I don't have capacity to work on this fully at the moment but am happy to collaborate with you on it if you have any questions or need any feedback.