WIKI: Support "" for folders
Now that there's folder support, there's no option to access the "folder" itself
Example Structre
folder/ is the main page shown when I access the WIKI.
When I access folder/ I see this breadcrumb:
But folder isn't clickable and it doesn't lead anywhere anyway.
I suggest the wikis/folder URL will redirect to wikis/folder/, and that the "folder" in the breadcrumb be clickable and lead there.
Links / references
Documentation blurb
What is it?
A suggestion to add a default page for folders.
Why should someone use this feature?
It helps navigate a tree structure wiki
What is the underlying (business) problem?
Huge WIKIs are hard to navigate
How do you use this feature?
Use cases
When you have a huge WIKI
Feature checklist
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- Contributor
@erezsegal Do you mean a view to index the pages contained within the wiki's directory?
1 - Author
Nope, though that's another good feature request.
I'm simply referring to a sub folders homepage. So if a sub folder in the wiki is about a topic, than will be any custom welcome page to that sub-topic.
The same way in websites, every folder can have "index.html" which is the page served when a folder's URL is typed in.
So to view
I can accessfolder/home
wiki page, orfolder/
wiki page. - Contributor
OK. I understand
- Sarrah Vesselov added to epic &204
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- Jacki Bauer removed navigation label
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- Contributor
@cdybenko It be great to have something like "<<Navigation("My TOC", "subdir", true)>>" (already in Gollum) too, either automatically or as a macro.
Edited by Tom Chiverton - Christen Dybenko added workflowplanning breakdown label
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mentioned in issue #249049 (closed)
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mentioned in issue #254150 (closed)
- Eric Schurter added groupeditor [DEPRECATED] label and removed 1 deleted label
added groupeditor [DEPRECATED] label and removed 1 deleted label
Ran into this almost instantly when organizing our wiki. You can define a
but then the sidebar in 13.7.3 renders the tree and the document separately, when you'd expect thefolder
item in the tree to just be clickable. See screenshot of "View Pages" section of the gitlab wiki for an example:Collapse replies Same here. I expected the folder to be clickable, instead of rendering two items in the menu, which was confusing. Especially since the folder are in black text and the pages are in grey text, which I cannot really distinguish immediately - so I'd often click the folder name instead of the page that has the same name as the folder (which is intended to be the folder's home/index page).
- Eric Schurter changed milestone to %Backlog
changed milestone to %Backlog
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added groupknowledge label and removed groupeditor [DEPRECATED] label
added groupknowledge label and removed groupeditor [DEPRECATED] label
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added devopsplan label and removed devopscreate label
- Maintainer
This is resolved.
are merged into a single entry now. - Himanshu Kapoor closed