Include classification to license name in dependency list
License(s) name will be displayed in the dependency list (#10536 (closed)). This MVC will only show the license name and anchor to documentation. It does not include the license classification (denied).
Include corresponding license classification in the dependency list license data.
Related Issues
- Ideally completing this issue after/with
- #12941 (comment 226297353)
Implementation Plan
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- Kyle Mann mentioned in issue #13084 (closed)
mentioned in issue #13084 (closed)
- Kyle Mann added to epic &1618 (closed)
added to epic &1618 (closed)
- Kyle Mann changed the description
changed the description
- Kyle Mann added devopssecure + 1 deleted label
added devopssecure + 1 deleted label
- Nicole Schwartz changed epic to &273 (closed)
changed epic to &273 (closed)
- Nicole Schwartz changed milestone to %Backlog
changed milestone to %Backlog
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
added [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
- Kyle Mann changed epic to &1618 (closed)
changed epic to &1618 (closed)
- Kyle Mann changed epic to &273 (closed)
changed epic to &273 (closed)
- Kyle Mann mentioned in issue #12937 (closed)
mentioned in issue #12937 (closed)
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added groupcomposition analysis label
added groupcomposition analysis label
- Kyle Mann mentioned in epic &1618 (closed)
mentioned in epic &1618 (closed)
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added Enterprise Edition label
added Enterprise Edition label
- Nicole Schwartz added dependency list label
added dependency list label
- Nicole Schwartz changed milestone to %12.5
changed milestone to %12.5
- Developer
@kmann @NicoleSchwartz this issue is about implementing a new feature, could you please update the description to follow the corresponding template?
It also probably needs backend and frontend, adding these labels too.
Collapse replies - Developer
As discussed in the grooming meeting:
backend needs to reuse existing work to serialize classification: or to adjust it to fit our need so that we have a consistent way of exposing that data whatever the location. This way frontend can reuse the same components and backend has less maintenance.
Assigning a weight of 5 for now (for backend), to be confirmed/adjusted and moved into a dedicated sub-issue when the description will be updated.
- Contributor
@gonzoyumo what additional data is needed to finish having this one ready?
i'll try and get @kmann to add the appropriate image to this as well boop
- Developer
@NicoleSchwartz using the
feature proposal
and completing most sections of it so that we clearly understand what has to be done here. The current description is too vague and points at a discovery that doesn't explicit what the MVC should be.I'm assigning @xlgmokha on this since he'll work on the related feature on the
License list
page.@leipert it would be great to have a frontend resource assigned to this too to make sure we're able to deliver.
1 - Developer
@xlgmokha thanks for updating the issue with proposed tasks. To me, this proposal goes way beyond the initial scope of this issue though. My understanding is that we only want to display the classification here, not to allow to update nor create it. This is even not possible yet on the license list (currently planned for
with #33870 (closed)). Searching is also an extra that could be done separately (to be extracted into another issue?)./cc @kmann @NicoleSchwartz to confirm on the scope.
- Contributor
@gonzoyumo i called out, and edited description for search being split out and moved to #34178 (closed)
- Contributor
@gonzoyumo and the editing i believe is in here: #33870 (closed) cc @kmann
- Contributor
I also moved Add #create action to licenses controller to create a new software license policy record. moved to #33870 (closed)
- Contributor
Does the updated task list reflect the correct - update display but don't allow search or action desired Solution?
@NicoleSchwartz @gonzoyumo suggest that this one gets change for %12.6. It's closely related to #33870 (closed) (which should be prioritized over this one), and this doesn't have designs completed (space is limited on the dependency list and needs more UX work).
- Olivier Gonzalez changed weight to 5
changed weight to 5
- Nicole Schwartz mentioned in issue #12941 (closed)
mentioned in issue #12941 (closed)
- Olivier Gonzalez assigned to @xlgmokha
assigned to @xlgmokha
- Olivier Gonzalez changed epic to &2051 (closed)
changed epic to &2051 (closed)
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 removed [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
removed [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
- mo khan changed the description
changed the description
- Nicole Schwartz changed the description
changed the description
- Lukas Eipert changed milestone to %12.6
changed milestone to %12.6
- Nicole Schwartz added workflowscheduling label
added workflowscheduling label
- mo khan mentioned in issue #35661 (closed)
mentioned in issue #35661 (closed)
- mo khan changed the description
changed the description
- mo khan removed the weight
removed the weight
- Contributor
- Nicole Schwartz changed milestone to %12.7
changed milestone to %12.7
- Lukas Eipert removed 1 deleted label
removed 1 deleted label
- Developer
- Olivier Gonzalez changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Kyle Mann mentioned in epic &2328 (closed)
mentioned in epic &2328 (closed)
- mo khan added workflowready for development label and removed workflowscheduling label
added workflowready for development label and removed workflowscheduling label
@NicoleSchwartz @gonzoyumo based on the license compliance UX issues out there, I'd recommend that this one be moved out. Take a look at the order in the epic: &2328 (closed), there are higher prioritized items, but please readjust as you see fit.
- Nicole Schwartz changed milestone to %12.8
changed milestone to %12.8
- Nicole Schwartz changed milestone to %12.9
changed milestone to %12.9
- Nicole Schwartz changed milestone to %13.0
changed milestone to %13.0
- Nicole Schwartz changed milestone to %13.1
changed milestone to %13.1
- Contributor
Although very desirable the overall ~"Category:License Compliance" work is lower priority than other asks at this time and will be delayed. See gitlab-org/secure/general#65 (closed) for more information.
- Nicole Schwartz changed milestone to %Backlog
changed milestone to %Backlog
- Kyle Mann changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Kyle Mann marked this issue as related to #33870 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #33870 (closed)
- Valerie Karnes added UX scorecard-rec label
added UX scorecard-rec label
added Category:Dependency Scanning [DEPRECATED] label
- Nicole Schwartz changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Nicole Schwartz added GitLab Ultimate label
added GitLab Ultimate label
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added sectionsec label
added sectionsec label
- Nicole Schwartz added [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
added [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
- Maintainer
Thanks for working on this @kmann! We've removed the ~"Accepting merge requests" label to avoid having multiple people working on the same issue.
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 removed [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
removed [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
- Nicole Schwartz changed epic to &1662 (closed)
changed epic to &1662 (closed)
- Nicole Schwartz removed workflowready for development label
removed workflowready for development label
- Maintainer
We are closing this issue automatically because it was created over a year ago and does not seem to have been picked up yet.
If you're reading this and feel like this issue is still relevant, please re-open it and apply the secureparked label to it.
- Paul Gascou-Vaillancourt closed
- Paul Gascou-Vaillancourt added stale label
added stale label
- Nicole Schwartz reopened
- Nicole Schwartz added secureparked label and removed stale label
added secureparked label and removed stale label
- Christie Lenneville added severity4 label
added severity4 label
- Justin Mandell added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- Nicole Schwartz marked this issue as related to #35661 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #35661 (closed)
- Tetiana Chupryna unassigned @kmann
unassigned @kmann
- Sam White removed Category:Dependency Scanning [DEPRECATED] label
removed Category:Dependency Scanning [DEPRECATED] label
- Sam White removed Category:License Compliance [DEPRECATED] label
removed Category:License Compliance [DEPRECATED] label
- Sam White removed secureparked label
removed secureparked label
- Sam White added Category:Dependency Management groupthreat insights labels and removed groupcomposition analysis label
added Category:Dependency Management groupthreat insights labels and removed groupcomposition analysis label
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added devopsgovern label and removed devopssecure label
added devopsgovern label and removed devopssecure label
- Amanda Rueda removed 1 deleted label
removed 1 deleted label
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added groupsecurity insights label and removed groupthreat insights label
added groupsecurity insights label and removed groupthreat insights label
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added devopssecurity risk management label and removed devopssoftware supply chain security label
added devopssecurity risk management label and removed devopssoftware supply chain security label