Project export fails due to statement timeout
When trying to export a project, the following errors occured on two consecutive days, for the same project:
PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout : SELECT "ci_builds".* FROM "ci_builds" WHERE "ci_builds"."stage_id" = 14280
The errors we encountered were:
PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout : SELECT "taggings".* FROM "taggings" WHERE "taggings"."taggable_id" = 31603 AND "taggings"."taggabl...
Also during the export the server became unresponsive from time to time, to the point where even a login on the machine by ssh was not possible anymore. This happened both times I tried to export the project in question, even though I got an email only once. The other time, the export seems to just have died at some point.
Maybe this issue is related to