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  • Rodrigo Tomonari's avatar
    Introduce source versions for BulkImport trackers configuration · 3738260e
    Rodrigo Tomonari authored and Sincheol (David) Kim's avatar Sincheol (David) Kim committed
    GitLab Importer aka BulkImport uses a configuration file to define
    which pipelines will be executed when importing groups or projects
    However, some pipelines can't be executed when importing from sources
    instances running a GitLab version incompatible with the pipeline.
    This change introduces the attributes miminum_source_version and
    maximum_source_version to the pipeline configuration to skip a pipeline
    depending on the source instance versions.
    When the source instance version doesn't meet the version requirements,
    the pipeline trackers are created as skipped, which prevents the
    pipeline from being executed.
    Changelog: added