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  • Leonardo da Rosa's avatar
    Remove duplicated index from board_project_recent_visits · 0983c14b
    Leonardo da Rosa authored
    ## What does this MR do and why?
    Remove duplicated index from `board_project_recent_visits` table.
    ### It removes:
    Drop `index_board_project_recent_visits_on_user_id` as it's already covered by:
    | Index | Columns |
    | ----- | ------ |
    | `index_board_project_recent_visits_on_user_project_and_board` | `user_id asc`, `project_id asc`, `board_id asc` |
    It is possible that this MR will still need some changes to drop the index from the database.
    Currently, the `gitlab-housekeeper` is not always capable of removing all references, so you must check the diff and pipeline failures to confirm if there are any issues.
    Ensure that the index exists in the production database by checking Joe Bot trough
    If the index was already removed or if the index it's being removed in another merge request, consider closing this merge request.
    This change was generated by
    using the Keeps::RemoveDuplicatedIndexes keep.
    To provide feedback on your experience with `gitlab-housekeeper` please comment in
    Changelog: other