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  • Michael Becker's avatar
    Fix flaky spec in `namespace_projects_resolver_spec` · cc363ddc
    Michael Becker authored
    I was never able to reproduce this flaky failure locally.
    When I look through the code, it looks
    like this spec is relying on two assumptions:
    1. the `gids` of the `FactoryBot` created projects are created in the
       same sequential order they are defined in the code
    2. `Project.all` will always return these projects in the same order
    I think those two assumptions are possibly the root cause.
    In the [`Namespace::ProjectsFinder`][0] we end up calling
    This eventually falls through to the [sortable concern][1]. As
    `:similarity` isn't a column or globally defined search, it falls back
    to the `all` scope.
    Because of this default, the resulting query has no explicit `ORDER
    BY` clause, which conflicts with the specs assumption of some sort of
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