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  • Arturo Herrero's avatar
    Propagate integration to group descendants · 88d7f03b
    Arturo Herrero authored
    After propagate group-level integrations
    !44023, we missed
    one scenario where the integration could inherit from another
    integration from the ancestors, not the closest one, this is something
    that we also fixed finding the closest integration
    Example: Having a group, a subgroup, and a project belonging to the
    subgroup. If we update the group, it propagates the settings to the
    subgroup and project (both having inherit_from_id = (pointing
    to the group) but if after that, we update the settings of the subgroup,
    it doesn't propagate them to the project. This is because the project's
    inherit_from_id is still pointing to the group id from the first
    This always updates the integrations of any descendants for a group