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  • Luke Duncalfe's avatar
    Fix webhooks temporary disabled too long, too fast · 552aa29f
    Luke Duncalfe authored
    Webhooks that were temporarily disabled were previously being disabled
    for too long, too quickly.
    When a webhook is temporarily disabled, it is disabled for a period of
    time. If after it has auto-enabled the webhook receiver is still
    returning a 5xx error code, the webhook is then temporarily disabled
    again and for a longer period of time.
    This period increases up until the maximum amount of time (the
    `MAX_BACKOFF`), which is 1 day.
    We have an optimisation that returns `MAX_BACKOFF` when we know there
    have been a certain number of failed attempts.
    This optimisation was configured according to previous logic, and was
    now causing a webhook to reach the `MAX_BACKOFF` value too quickly.
    Instead of the exponential backoff going:
    1m, 2m, 4m, 8m, 16m, 32m, 1h 4m, 2h 8m, 4h 16m
    It was instead going:
    1m, 2m, 4m, 8m, 16m, 32m, 1h 4m, 2h 8m, 24h
    Changelog: fixed