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fix: Workflow extension loading without oauth

Paul Slaughter requested to merge ps-fix-workflow-and-auth-provider into main

Issue: #323 (closed)


  • Previously we never created the auth provider if a token was not found.
  • This caused things to blow up on the Workflow extension since it was expecting an auth provider.
  • Now we always create the authProvider, it just won't always have a session.

How to test

  1. Start Web IDE example app with Authentication Type set to None.
  2. Check the browser console log and verify that the message Fetching resource from https://gdk.test:3443/api/v4/user failed (401). shows instead of Timed out waiting for authentication provider to register..


Before After
Screenshot_2024-04-02_at_9.10.58_AM Screenshot_2024-04-02_at_9.11.44_AM
Edited by Paul Slaughter

Merge request reports