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Publish packages and create a release

Tomas Vik requested to merge publish-packages into main

This MR creates two new jobs in the vscode-fork CI:

  • publish-packages - publishes all WebIDE and VS Code server packages to the package registry
  • make-release - creates a new Fork release

These run only on Git tags.

This MR also changes the release process. Now you use a script to generate a new tag (./scripts/gl/ <dev|prod>). After we push this tag, the pipeline will build, publish and release the packages.

Example (viktomas/gitlab-web-ide-vscode-fork)

Space for improvement

I wasn't able to link the generated packages to the release automatically. I think it is possible and maybe not even difficult, but I run out of time for this task.

Relates to gitlab#373490 (closed)

Edited by Tomas Vik

Merge request reports