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Support multi root workspaces


I've added multi root workspaces support to this VS Code extension.

Main changes:

  • Commands and status bar:
  • If workspace has only one root folder, then nothing should change for the user.
  • If the workspace has many root folders, but none of them is a GitLab project folder, then nothing should change for the user.
  • If the workspace has many root folders and some of them are GitLab projects, then it will execute GitLab commands based on the open file:
    • If the file is part of a GitLab project, then all commands will be related to this project
    • If the file is not part of a GitLab project, then a GitLab project selector will be shown to the user
      • If only one project is a GitLab project, then no project selector will be shown and it will default to the only GitLab project
  • Gitlab sidebar:
    • If workspace has only one root folder, then nothing should change for the user.
    • If the workspace has many root folders, but none of them is a GitLab project folder, then nothing should change for the user.
    • If the workspace has many root folders and one of them is a GitLab projects, then it will show GitLab sidebar like that GitLab project was a single root folder
    • If the workspace has many root folders and some of them is a GitLab projects, then it will show GitLab sidebar with a tree of projects, and for each projects it will show the project info (See screenshot).
    • If the workspace has many root folders the "For current branch" panel will show info based on the GitLab project of the current open file.

new GitLab Sidebar

This MR closes #90 (closed)

Edited by Massimeddu Cireddu

Merge request reports