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fix: Sync telemetry setting to the LS


The telemetry setting from VSCode was not synced with the LS. This MR fixes the issue


  1. Checkout this branch
  2. Provide the trackingUrl for the local Snowplow collector in the Client config for the LS here
 telemetry: {
    trackingUrl: 'http://localhost:9091',
  1. Link the LS branch from this MR gitlab-org/editor-extensions/gitlab-lsp!372 (merged)
  2. Run extension
  3. In VSCode go to Settings => Telemetry select all in the dropdown to enable telemetry or any other value to disable it. Screenshot_2024-05-30_at_14.12.20_1_50
  4. Trigger some code suggestions, note that the LS should log a warning when telemetry is disabled and not log any other telemetry messages further.
  5. Check the local snowplow collector (reset before test). No new events should be coming when telemetry is disabled and when it is turned back on, should start coming.

What CHANGELOG entry will this MR create?

  • fix: Bug fix fixes - a user-facing issue in production - included in changelog
  • feature: New feature - a user-facing change which adds functionality - included in changelog
  • BREAKING CHANGE: (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change) - should bump major version, mentioned in the changelog
  • None - other non-user-facing changes

Closes #1389 (closed)

Edited by Olena Horal-Koretska

Merge request reports