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refactor: update usages of execa for v9.0.0

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
execa devDependencies major ^8.0.1 -> ^9.1.0

MR created with the help of gitlab-org/frontend/renovate-gitlab-bot

Explanation of changes at !1569 (comment 1903598043)

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Release Notes

sindresorhus/execa (execa)


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Features (types)


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Bug fixes (types)


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Bug fixes (types)


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This major release brings many important features including:

Please check the release post for a high-level overview! For the full list of breaking changes, features and bug fixes, please read below.

Thanks @​younggglcy, @​koshic, @​am0o0 and @​codesmith-emmy for your help!

One of the maintainers @​ehmicky is looking for a remote full-time position. Specialized in Node.js back-ends and CLIs, he led Netlify Build, Plugins and Configuration for 2.5 years. Feel free to contact him on his website or on LinkedIn!

Breaking changes (not types)

const {stdout} = await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'buffer'});
console.log(stdout); // This is now an Uint8Array
- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: null});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'buffer'});

- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'utf-8'});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'utf8'});

- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'UTF8'});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'utf8'});

- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'utf-16le'});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'utf16le'});

- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'ucs2'});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'utf16le'});

- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'ucs-2'});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'utf16le'});

- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'binary'});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'latin1'});
  • Passing a file path to subprocess.pipeStdout(), subprocess.pipeStderr() and subprocess.pipeAll() has been removed. Instead, a {file: './path'} object should be passed to the stdout or stderr option. (#​752)
- await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipeStdout('output.txt');
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {stdout: {file: 'output.txt'}});

- await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipeStderr('output.txt');
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {stderr: {file: 'output.txt'}});

- await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipeAll('output.txt');
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {
+	stdout: {file: 'output.txt'},
+	stderr: {file: 'output.txt'},
- await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipeStdout(stream);
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {stdout: ['pipe', stream]});

- await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipeStderr(stream);
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {stderr: ['pipe', stream]});

- await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipeAll(stream);
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {
+	stdout: ['pipe', stream],
+	stderr: ['pipe', stream],
  • The subprocess.pipeStdout(), subprocess.pipeStderr() and subprocess.pipeAll() methods have been renamed to subprocess.pipe(). The command and its arguments can be passed to subprocess.pipe() directly, without calling execa() a second time. The from piping option can specify 'stdout' (the default value), 'stderr' or 'all'. (#​757)
- await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipeStdout(execa('node', ['other.js']));
+ await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipe('node', ['other.js']);

- await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipeStderr(execa('node', ['other.js']));
+ await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipe('node', ['other.js'], {from: 'stderr'});

- await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipeAll(execa('node', ['other.js']));
+ await execa('node', ['file.js']).pipe('node', ['other.js'], {from: 'all'});
- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {signal: abortController.signal});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {cancelSignal: abortController.signal});
try {
	await execa('node', ['file.js']);
} catch (error) {
- if (error.killed) {
+ if (error.isTerminated) {
		// ...
- subprocess.cancel();
+ subprocess.kill();
- const subprocess = execa('node', ['file.js']);
- subprocess.kill('SIGTERM', {forceKillAfterTimeout: 1000});
+ const subprocess = execa('node', ['file.js'], {forceKillAfterDelay: 1000});
+ subprocess.kill('SIGTERM');
  • The verbose option is now a string enum instead of a boolean. false has been renamed to 'none' and true has been renamed to 'short'. (#​884)
- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {verbose: false});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {verbose: 'none'});

- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {verbose: true});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {verbose: 'short'});
- await execa('node', ['file.js'], {execPath: './path/to/node'});
+ await execa('node', ['file.js'], {nodePath: './path/to/node'});
- subprocess.send({example: true, getExample() {}});
+ subprocess.send({example: true});
const subprocess = execa('node', ['file.js']);
- setTimeout(() => {
- }, 0);
- const subprocess = execa('node', ['file.js'], {killSignal: 'sigterm'});
+ const subprocess = execa('node', ['file.js'], {killSignal: 'SIGTERM'});

- subprocess.kill('sigterm');
+ subprocess.kill('SIGTERM');


Text lines
Piping multiple subprocesses
Verbose mode
Node.js files
Synchronous execution
Inter-process communication
Input validation

Bug fixes

Breaking changes (types)

import type {Options} from 'execa';

- const options: CommonOptions = {timeout: 1000};
+ const options: Options = {timeout: 1000};
import type {Options} from 'execa';

- const options: NodeOptions = {nodeOptions: ['--no-warnings']};
+ const options: Options = {nodeOptions: ['--no-warnings']};
import type {Options} from 'execa';

- const options: KillOptions = {forceKillAfterTimeout: 1000};
+ const options: Options = {forceKillAfterDelay: 1000};
import type {Options} from 'execa';

- const options: Options<'utf8'> = {encoding: 'utf8'};
+ const options: Options = {encoding: 'utf8'};
import type {ResultPromise, Result} from 'execa';

- const promiseOrSubprocess: ExecaChildProcess = execa('node', ['file.js']);
+ const promiseOrSubprocess: ResultPromise = execa('node', ['file.js']);
const result: Result = await promiseOrSubprocess;
import type {Subprocess} from 'execa';

- const subprocess: ExecaChildPromise = execa('node', ['file.js']);
+ const subprocess: Subprocess = execa('node', ['file.js']);
import type {Result, SyncResult} from 'execa';

- const result: ExecaReturnBase = await execa('node', ['file.js']);
+ const result: Result = await execa('node', ['file.js']);

- const result: ExecaReturnValue = await execa('node', ['file.js']);
+ const result: Result = await execa('node', ['file.js']);

- const result: ExecaSyncReturnValue = execaSync('node', ['file.js']);
+ const result: SyncResult = execaSync('node', ['file.js']);
import {execa, type StdinOption} from 'execa';

- const stdin: StdioOption = 'inherit';
+ const stdin: StdinOption = 'inherit';
await execa('node', ['file.js'], {stdin});
import {execa, type StdoutStderrOption} from 'execa';

- const stdout: StdioOption = 'inherit';
+ const stdout: StdoutStderrOption = 'inherit';
- const stderr: StdioOption = 'inherit';
+ const stderr: StdoutStderrOption = 'inherit';
await execa('node', ['file.js'], {stdout, stderr});
import {execa, type Options} from 'execa';

- const stdio: readonly StdioOption[] = ['inherit', 'pipe', 'pipe'] as const;
+ const stdio: Options['stdio'] = ['inherit', 'pipe', 'pipe'] as const;
await execa('node', ['file.js'], {stdio});
import type {Result} from 'execa';

- const result: ExecaReturnValue<Buffer> = await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'buffer'});
+ const result: Result<{encoding: 'buffer'}> = await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'buffer'});
// Or even better, since it is inferred:
+ const result: Result = await execa('node', ['file.js'], {encoding: 'buffer'});

Improvements (types)



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🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

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🔕 Ignore: Close this MR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by Alexander Turinske

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