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WiP PoC of tree sitter on client side

Mikołaj Wawrzyniak requested to merge mwaw/poc_tree_sitter_in_extension into main

This MR represents PoC for including tree sitter via WebAssembly into VS Code extension (and possibly LSP server).

It follows and uses

It only works for desktop distribution so far

To test is localy run extension and check its logs for following output (error log level is intentional to make sure logs are easy to spot out of all additional debug lines)

2023-09-14T15:02:02:836 [error]: ["// Version is the current version of gitlab-shell","// Set at build time in the Makefile","// BuildTime signifies the time the binary was build","// Set at build time in the Makefile","// Startup monitoring endpoint."]

Loggs will display all comments that starts with capital letter above the cursor in currently active editor

Edited by Mikołaj Wawrzyniak

Merge request reports