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fix(GlSkeletonLoader): Disable animation for prefers-reduced-motion

What does this MR do?

Don't animation skeleton loader when Reduce motion accessibility preference is enabled.

View demo

Skeleton loader not being animated while Reduced Motion is enabled. Then setting is disabled, page is refreshed, and the animation returns

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  • Code review guidelines.
  • GitLab UI's contributing guidlines.
  • If it changes a Pajamas-compliant component's look & feel, the MR has been reviewed by a UX designer.
  • If it changes GitLab UI's documentation guidelines, the MR has been reviewed by a Technical Writer.
  • If the MR changes a component's API, integration MR(s) have been opened in the following projects to ensure that the @gitlab/ui package can be upgraded quickly after the changes are released:
  • Added the ~"component:*" label(s) if applicable.

Closes #1876 (closed)

Edited by Simon Knox

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