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feat(label): Reduce label variants

Sascha Eggenberger requested to merge labels-reduce-variants into main

What does this MR do?

This MR reduces the label variants down to a single one. One size fits all!


The sm variant is pretty dense and can be very hard to read, increasing the spacing slightly would solve the issue (Note: there is another MR to solve the readability of labels, fix(utils): Change color util to use relative l... (!3418 - merged)).

If we increase the spacing of the sm variant it will be in very close territory to the md variant so it would make sense to just continue with one variant.

This change also is an improvement in terms of developer experience as we only have a single size to be used. This also opens the way to explore how we can handle density in our product in the future where we can set the density per region and not per component (reactive components in a region of a page).


Before After
labels_before labels_after
More Examples:
Before After
issue_before issue_after
mr_before mr_after
mr_list_before mr_list_after
project_labels_before project_labels_after
task_before task_after
board_before board_after
admin_list_before admin_list_after

Integration merge requests

Related to gitlab#424396 (closed)

Edited by Sascha Eggenberger

Merge request reports