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feat: Adds the new card component

Sam Beckham requested to merge 287-card-component into master

This replaces the BCard wrapper with our own Pajamas-compliant GlCard implementation.

Our component is much simpler than BCard, that supports a lot of options that don't align with our design specs.

This is a breaking change as we're dropping BootsrapVue's API for this component, but it should be a drop-in replacement for all current usages in GitLab as the slots API is identical, and we have preserved the *Class props that are sometimes used in the product.

Before After
storyshots-spec-js-image-storyshots-base-card-default-card-1-snap storyshots-spec-js-image-storyshots-base-card-default-card-1-snap
Edited by Paul Gascou-Vaillancourt

Merge request reports