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Don't exceed rate limits

Rémy Coutable requested to merge respect-rate-limits-in-api-calls into master

This does two things:

  • Expose the remaining rate limit and reset time when the --debug flag is on.
  • Wait for the Rate limit to be reset if it's lower than 25 (arbitrary number).

As you can see in, this seems to work pretty well (without that I was getting an /usr/local/bundle/bundler/gems/gitlab-triage-f6ccb8ec335c/lib/gitlab/triage/network.rb:49:in `map!': undefined method `with_indifferent_access' for #<String:0x000056299e9f1d98> (NoMethodError) error that was probably happening because the response is a plain text error (e.g. Rate limit exceeded) rather than a JSON one....

Edited by Rémy Coutable

Merge request reports