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feat(GlPath): update usage guidelines

Gina Doyle requested to merge GlPathUpdates into main

What does this MR do?

With the help of @danmh, we found that the Path component usage guidelines were changed, seemingly accidentally, when the layout of component pages was refactored. This happened at !2655 (merged). Previously, the usage guidelines were:

Do Don’t
Use paths rather than tabs when there is a process with unique content at each stage, for example, a DevOps lifecycle. Nest paths.
Use as an indicator of a user’s progress within a process, for example, in a checkout flow.

And after the refactoring change, the Use as an indicator of a user’s progress within a process, for example, in a checkout flow. guideline was updated to a Do.

This MR reverts that change so that the Path component is no longer suggested to be used as an indicator of a user's progress within a process.

Out of scope of this MR: Does the path component need to be a distinct component? Could we offer a variation of tabs instead to fit for this use case?

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Edited by Gina Doyle

Merge request reports