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fix: Make iframe loading more stable

Lukas 'ai-pi' Eipert requested to merge leipert-solve-iframe-shenanigangs into main

Apparently the cookie banner breaks our GitLab UI iframes. Why? Nobody knows. They seem to monkey-patch document.createElement and register a mutaion observer to watch all iframe, img, embed and video tags. This replaces src with data-src until someone accepts the cookies.

Funnily enough our iframes remain broken, even if cookies have been accepted. Why? Nobody knows. Googling around a little, it seems like we can fix this issue by slapping data-ot-ignore and the class optanon-category-COOO1 on our iframes. Why? Knowbody knows. But it should work.

Closes #1395 (closed)

Edited by Paul Gascou-Vaillancourt

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