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Support deeper nesting in left sidebar

Tom Quirk requested to merge deeper-sidebar-nesting-styles into main

For #766 (closed): Support up to 9 levels of nesting in the left nav.


Generated with this nav.json:

  "title": "Typography",
  "path": "typography",
+ "items": [
+     {
+       "title": "Overview",
+       "path": "path-a"
+     },
+     {
+       "title": "Typescales",
+       "path": "path-b"
+     },
+     {
+       "title": "Text elements",
+       "path": "path-c"
+     },
+   ]


Shout-out to @pslaughter for pairing on this me as part of #donut-be-silos-fe 😊

Edited by Tom Quirk

Merge request reports