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Fix logrus secrets cleanup

Tomasz Maczukin requested to merge fix-logrus-secrets-cleanup into master

What does this MR do?

Updates logrus to fix secrets cleanup hook

Why was this MR needed?

With 32cb53dd, a part of !843 (merged), we've updated Logrus to revision 8c0189d9f6bbf301e5d055d34268156b317016af (so something between v1.0.4 and v1.0.5) since v1.0.4 contained a bug that was generating data race in our test suite. Unfortunately this update in Logrus broken behavior of hooks, which broken our fix added with !708 (merged).

With Logrus v1.0.6, released few weeks ago, this bug was fixed. Which means that we're able to fix our issue by simply updating the dependency.

I've also updated the test for SecretsCleanupHook so it catches the issue - previous version have not reported the problem when Logrus was updated from v1.0.4.

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

  • Documentation created/updated
  • Tests
    • Added for this feature/bug
    • All builds are passing
  • Branch has no merge conflicts with master (if you do - rebase it please)

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Edited by Kamil Trzciński

Merge request reports