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Add support for cap_add, cap_drop, and devices in Docker executor

fsouze/go-dockerclient already supports these parameters in HostConfig.

This adds them to config.toml and passes them through.

See #984 (closed).

This has successfully been tested using local exec:

  • Capabilities have been tested using a test program, listcaps, using the following command line:

    gitlab-ci-multi-runner-linux-amd64 exec docker --docker-cap-add NET_ADMIN --docker-cap-drop KILL --docker-cap-drop DAC_OVERRIDE build

    You can see that the capabilities are effectively added and dropped.

  • Devices have been tested using a test program, kvmtest, using the following command lines:

    gitlab-ci-multi-runner-linux-amd64 exec docker build    # fails, /dev/kvm doesn't exist
    gitlab-ci-multi-runner-linux-amd64 exec docker --docker-devices /dev/kvm:/dev/kvm:r build    # fails, /dev/kvm is read-only
    gitlab-ci-multi-runner-linux-amd64 exec docker --docker-devices /dev/kvm build   # succeeds

This has been tested with run, with the following config.toml, using the same projects as above.

concurrent = 1 

  name = "devel-runner"
  url = ""
  token = "xxxxxxxx"
  limit = 1 
  executor = "docker"
    privileged = false
    cap_add = ["NET_ADMIN"]
    cap_drop = ["DAC_OVERRIDE"]
    devices = ["/dev/kvm"]

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