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Axel von Bertoldi requested to merge avonbertoldi/update=go-fips-version into main

Looks like in the upgrade of GO_VERSION from 1.21.5 to 1.21.7 we missed this.

This might be the cause of failing incept tests like, which suggest that the version of runner in the 16.9.0 fips image is in fact NOT fips enabled:

    > docker run -it --rm  gitlab/gitlab-runner:ubi-fips-v16.8.1 --version
    INFO[0000] Binary was compiled with FIPS mode, but an external SSL
    library was not enabled.
    Version:      16.8.1
    Git revision: a6097117
    Git branch:   16-8-stable
    GO version:   go1.21.5 X:boringcrypto <--- GOOD
    Built:        2024-02-15T18:31:50+0000
    OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
    > docker run -it --rm  gitlab/gitlab-runner:ubi-fips-v16.9.0 --version
    Version:      16.9.0
    Git revision: 656c1943
    Git branch:   16-9-stable
    GO version:   go1.21.7 <--- BAD
    Built:        2024-02-15T18:34:24+0000
    OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

Furthermore the released runner fips binary for 16.9.0 is NOT the same runner binary in the fips image:

> curl -L -o gitlab-runner-linux-amd64-fips-16.8.1
> chmod +x gitlab-runner-linux-amd64-fips-16.8.1
> ./gitlab-runner-linux-amd64-fips-16.8.1 --version
INFO[0000] Binary was compiled with FIPS mode, but an external SSL
library was not enabled.
Version:      16.8.1
Git revision: a6097117
Git branch:   16-8-stable
GO version:   go1.21.5 X:boringcrypto
Built:        2024-02-15T18:31:50+0000
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
> curl -L -o gitlab-runner-linux-amd64-fips-16.9.0
> chmod +x gitlab-runner-linux-amd64-fips-16.9.0
> ./gitlab-runner-linux-amd64-fips-16.9.0 --version
INFO[0000] Binary was compiled with FIPS mode, but an external SSL
library was not enabled.
Version:      16.9.0
Git revision: 656c1943
Git branch:   16-9-stable
GO version:   go1.21.5 X:boringcrypto
Built:        2024-02-15T18:31:48+0000
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
Edited by Axel von Bertoldi

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