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Sending debug_trace param on PATCH job_trace requests

Max Fan requested to merge 29531_send_debug_trace_on_patch_job_trace into main

What does this MR do?

Upon running the jobs, if DEBUG_TRACE or DEBUG_SERVICES is true, this will append debug_trace=true to the Job Trace update request to gitlab.

This will ensure gitlab will know if a job has sensitive information regardless of where the Debug_xxx variables are set.

Why was this MR needed?

This MR is blocking gitlab#290955 (closed)

What's the best way to test this MR?

Checking out the runner, and when it processes a job that has either

  1. Debug logging enabled:
  2. OR
  3. environment = ["CI_DEBUG_TRACE=1", "CI_DEBUG_SERVIES=1"] on the runner side

Processing the job should set database column debug_trace to "true" on table ci_builds_metadata

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Issue: Blocks: gitlab#290955 (closed)

Edited by Max Fan

Merge request reports