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Expose runner limit error message on registration

What does this MR do?

This MR adds additional logic to decode and log the message present in the body of the /api/v4/runners response in the case where a Bad Request (400) status code is returned.

Why was this MR needed?

As noted in #27840, when we enabled the :ci_runner_limits FF globally some users started hitting the limits when registering a specific type of runner and were left wondering what had happened since the error message reported by gitlab-runner register is too generic (it just reported that "you may be having network problems"). When a plan limit is hit on GitLab, it returns an error in the body and a Bad Request (400) status code:

Runner type HTTP response body
group {"message":{"runner_namespaces.base":["Maximum number of ci registered group runners (50) exceeded"]}}
project {"message":{"runner_projects.base":["Maximum number of ci registered project runners (50) exceeded"]}}

In this MR, we now treat the 400 error in a special way and try to decode the JSON payload. If we find any of the expected fields, we use that in the log message in the status field. For that, I needed to slightly alter network/client.go so that it accepts more than one status code to decide when to decode the JSON response. I also created a GitLabClient.doJSONMulti for the same purpose (which is now called by the previous GitLabClient.doJSON for compatibility).

What's the best way to test this MR?

  1. On, create a new group named <your-user-name>-test-runner-limits.

  2. Enable the :ci_runner_limits FF for that group. For that, go to #production and type:

    /chatops run feature set --group=<your-user-name>-test-runner-limits ci_runner_limits true
  3. Build this branch:

    git switch pedropombeiro/27840/expose-runner-limit-error-message && make runner-bin-host
  4. Register 51 runners on the new group:

    Assuming an environment variable GROUP_RUNNERS_REGISTRATION_TOKEN set to the runners registration token in your group's ( Runner registration page:

    for i in $(seq 1 51); do \
        out/binaries/gitlab-runner register -config /tmp/config.test.toml \
                --non-interactive \
                --executor "shell" \
                --url "" \
                --description "group test runner" \
                --tag-list "shell,gdk,mac,test" \
                --run-untagged="false" \
                --locked="false" \
                --access-level="not_protected" \
                --registration-token="$GROUP_RUNNERS_REGISTRATION_TOKEN"; \

    Upon registering the 51st runner (assuming your account is on the free plan) you should see the following error message:


  5. On, create a new project named test-project-runner-limits under the group you created earlier.

  6. Enable the :ci_runner_limits FF for that project. For that, go to #production and type:

    /chatops run feature set --project=<your-user-name>-test-runner-limits/test-project-runner-limits ci_runner_limits true
  7. Register 51 runners on the new project:

    Assuming an environment variable PROJECT_RUNNERS_REGISTRATION_TOKEN set to the runners registration token in your project's ( Runner registration page:

    for i in $(seq 1 51); do \
        out/binaries/gitlab-runner register -config /tmp/config.test.toml \
                --non-interactive \
                --executor "shell" \
                --url "" \
                --description "group test runner" \
                --tag-list "shell,gdk,mac,test" \
                --run-untagged="false" \
                --locked="false" \
                --access-level="not_protected" \
                --registration-token="$PROJECT_RUNNERS_REGISTRATION_TOKEN"; \

    Upon registering the 51st runner (assuming your account is on the free plan) you should see the following error message:


  8. Unregister all runners from this MR:

    out/binaries/gitlab-runner unregister --all-runners --config /tmp/config.test.toml

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #27840

Edited by Pedro Pombeiro

Merge request reports