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Publish Windows helper image :latest tags

What does this MR do?

It fixes the ci/build_release_windows_images.ps1 script so that it calculates the IS_LATEST value the same way that the Makefile does it for Unix-like operating systems.

It only calculates the IS_LATEST value if it was not passed to the script.

Why was this MR needed?

We haven't been publishing Windows helper image :latest tags since beginning of 2020.

What's the best way to test this MR?

This is going to be tricky since IS_LATEST is only true for tagged releases, so we should check if this logic kicks in on the next release.

I tested the logic of the new functions locally by checking out the v13.11.0 tag and running Is-Latest:

PS C:\GitLab-Runner> ci/build_release_windows_images.ps1
PS C:\GitLab-Runner> $Env:IS_LATEST

I then checked out the v13.10.0 branch and ran it again:

PS C:\GitLab-Runner> ci/build_release_windows_images.ps1
PS C:\GitLab-Runner> $Env:IS_LATEST

I then checked out the master branch and ran it again:

PS C:\GitLab-Runner> ci/build_release_windows_images.ps1
PS C:\GitLab-Runner> $Env:IS_LATEST

So it seems to be doing what is expected of it.

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #27632 (closed)

Merge request reports