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Don't return error when checking feature flag

Steve Xuereb requested to merge remove-feature-flag-err into master

What does this MR do?

Don't return error when checking feature flag

Why was this MR needed?

When the value of the feature flag can't be parsed an error is return. This error is being ignored for most cases because there isn't any value in handling that error.

The only time the error is handled is for logging. Instead of logging it in 1 place move the log inside of the featureflag pkg where the caller passes the logger.

With this we get the added benefit of using the logger that is already initialized, not that there was anything preventing us from doing so in the past. For example when we fail to parse the value of a specific job


ERROR: Error while parsing the value of feature flag  error=strconv.ParseBool: parsing "asdf": invalid syntax name=FF_RESET_HELPER_IMAGE_ENTRYPOINT value=asdf


ERROR: Error while parsing the value of feature flag  error=strconv.ParseBool: parsing "asdf": invalid syntax job=2187 name=FF_RESET_HELPER_IMAGE_ENTRYPOINT project=20 runner=4B72igtx value=asdf

What's the best way to test this MR?

FF_USE_FAST_ZIP (feature flag depending on the environment variables)

  1. Until #27669 gets fixed we have to apply the diff below you double-check the feature flag for USE_FAST_ZIP since there is no coverage

    git diff
    diff --git a/commands/helpers/archiver.go b/commands/helpers/archiver.go
    index 8611cefca..1283430bc 100644
    --- a/commands/helpers/archiver.go
    +++ b/commands/helpers/archiver.go
    @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ func init() {
            // enable fastzip archiver/extractor
            logger := logrus.WithField("name", featureflags.UseFastzip)
            if on := featureflags.IsOn(logger, os.Getenv(featureflags.UseFastzip)); on {
    +               println("using fast zip")
                    archive.Register(archive.Zip, fastzip.NewArchiver, fastzip.NewExtractor)
  2. Start a shell executor

  3. Run the following .gitlab-ci.yml file

      RANDOM_MB: 300
      FF_USE_FASTZIP: "true"
      key: ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
      - cache
      stage: test
      - mkdir -p cache
      - touch cache/tada
      - echo "hello" > cache/hello.txt
      - dd bs=${RANDOM_MB} count=1048576 </dev/urandom > cache/blob
      - ls -la
      - ls -la cache
  4. You should see the following in the job log

    job log


FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD (feature flag depending on job variable)

  1. Start a docker executor

  2. Run the following .gitlab-ci.yml

      image: alpine:3.11
        SLEEP: 60
        FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD: "true"
      - name: postgres:12.2-alpine
        alias: db
      - echo $FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD
      - apk add --no-cache postgresql-client
      #- pg_isready -h
      - pg_isready -h db
      - pg_isready -h postgres
      - sleep ${SLEEP}
  3. While the job is running make sure a network is created for the build by running docker network ls

    docker network ls

    ``shell ~ docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE d2934ad93384 bridge bridge local a8d215125ce7 host host local d071437ccf78 minikube bridge local 44a1a7d5bd1a none null local 8c270e3e9c4a runner-4b72igtx-project-20-concurrent-0-job-2193-network bridge local <-------- Network for build


What are the relevant issue numbers?

Refactor to work on #27613 (closed)

Edited by Steve Xuereb

Merge request reports