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  • Timo Furrer's avatar
    Introduce support for `direct_asset_path` and alias `filepath` · 51f98aef
    Timo Furrer authored and Jaime Martinez's avatar Jaime Martinez committed
    The `filepath` field for the asset links has been deprecated and will be
    aliased to `direct_asset_path` in GitLab 17.0.
    This change set alises the `filepath` field and
    at the same time introduces the `direct_asset_path` field for which the
    former is an alias. The value of the new `direct_asset_path` field
    is the same as it was for the `filepath`.
    Users of the `filepath` field are advised to rename all occurrences of
    it to `direct_asset_path` in their JSON provided as asset link value.
    Closes #165