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Use 'major.minor-<ee ref>' as staging docker tag

Mark Lapierre requested to merge staging-image-major-minor-commit-sha into master

Auto-deploy builds have a tag formatted like 12.0.12345+5159f2949cb.59c9fa631 but the version api returns a semver version like 12.0.1, plus a commit ref.

So now images will be tagged using minor and major semver components plus the EE commit ref: omnibus-gitlab!3373 (merged)

That means the version used for the docker image tag is like 12.0-5159f2949cb

This MR makes gitlab-qa use a tag in that format, based on the response from the version API.

Note: This should not be merged before omnibus-gitlab!3373 (merged).

See: gitlab-org/quality/staging#56 (closed)

Edited by Mark Lapierre

Merge request reports