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Update documents related to EE license

Ievgen Chernikov requested to merge update-docs-related-to-ee-license into master

What does this MR do and why?

When EE_LICENSE is set to Staging license it only can be applied successfully if GITLAB_LICENSE_MODE=test. Otherwise error will occur when applying the license.

When both of the above are set gitlab-qa will set CUSTOMER_PORTAL_URL to staging customer portal URL and it will allow to apply the EE license.

Updating documents to highlight the above dependencies.

Screenshots or screen recordings

N/A Only docs change

How to set up and validate locally

N/A Only docs change.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Ievgen Chernikov

Merge request reports