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Script to update Pages version on GitLab repo

What does this MR do?

I've been basically doing these steps manually every month (example), so I though would be nice to script-ize these for future reference and consistency.

Alternatively, I thought in maybe automatize this in a cron task on our CI to always create this MR on GitLab, to ensure we have GitLab pages updated on the main repository at least once a month. Not sure how to do that, though.

This script, to be used in the developer machine, creates a commit with the list of changes (commit titles) between the current version of pages in gitlab/GITLAB_PAGES_VERSION and GitLab Pages master. That commit is done in update-gitlab-pages-version branch, which is then pushed creating a MR with all the required labels on GitLab.

The commit message follow the template:

Update gitlab-pages

Main changes:
* Commit 1 title
* Commit 2 title
* Commit 3 title
* Commit 4 title


Changelog: changed


Edited by Kassio Borges

Merge request reports