Enable (and disable) more rubocops
Merge request reports
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
added 147 commits
8ba43d51...15b7bc62 - 109 commits from branch
- 4fa271f1 - Update .rubocop_todo.yml
- e00fb2bd - Enable Style/DotPosition
- f81043de - Enable Style/MutableConstant
- 3140355b - Enable Style/SpaceInsideBrackets
- 954bca38 - Disable Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral
- d74548b8 - Disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument
- e4f0c901 - Custom cops don’t need to be mentioned in .rubocop.yml
- 23cb9d1a - Disable a few RSpec cops
- b7bd650b - Disable some more cops
- f207f718 - Enable Performance/RedundantMerge
- 55994396 - Enable Lint/UnifiedInteger
- 375e299e - Disable Lint/UnneededSplatExpansion
- ad715b05 - Enable Performance/RedundantBlockCall
- 3e003ff9 - Enable Performance/RedundantMatch
- 040de958 - Disable Rails/DynamicFindBy
- 45c767e4 - Disable Rails/OutputSafety
- 2d4a83ee - Enable Rails/Validation
- b434f1b5 - Enable Security/JSONLoad
- 96bef541 - Enable Style/BarePercentLiterals
- 16ee516e - Disable Style/BracesAroundHashParameters
- 94e7cd99 - Enable Style/ColonMethodCall
- 45bc45f7 - Enable Style/ConditionalAssignment
- 429f9884 - Fix specs
- a8d13d51 - Fix code for cops
- 9a80209d - Old migration doesn’t require downtime
- 5045e131 - Fix another spec
- cb10b725 - Prefer leading style for Style/DotPosition
- 5b6c6aab - Regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- b059c390 - Enable Style/ClassCheck
- 7aff66c1 - Enable Style/EmptyLineBetweenDefs
- d25bdc5a - Enable Style/MultilineArrayBraceLayout
- 21cedc5c - Enable Style/MultilineHashBraceLayout
- 0ef4337c - Enable Style/WordArray
- 0198e939 - Enable Rails/Delegate
- d6b45a62 - Fix new offenses
- bdaa8910 - Don’t exclude some file in lib from rubocop
- de94bff4 - Order cops alphabetically
- f6c45af6 - Update rubocop and rubocop-rspec and regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
Toggle commit list-
8ba43d51...15b7bc62 - 109 commits from branch
- Resolved by Robert Speicher
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Robert Speicher
- Resolved by Robert Speicher
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
added 106 commits
1ea94aca...e7a64ec3 - 58 commits from branch
- ed73506b - Update .rubocop_todo.yml
- 96613af9 - Enable Style/DotPosition
- 3367ed4a - Enable Style/MutableConstant
- 21440dd2 - Enable Style/SpaceInsideBrackets
- 51f422f2 - Disable Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral
- b602ed2f - Disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument
- 58c4dd10 - Custom cops don’t need to be mentioned in .rubocop.yml
- 1dd02661 - Disable a few RSpec cops
- 851e3158 - Disable some more cops
- f16d45cf - Enable Performance/RedundantMerge
- 99f13789 - Enable Lint/UnifiedInteger
- a6d47c64 - Disable Lint/UnneededSplatExpansion
- 16460110 - Enable Performance/RedundantBlockCall
- 2ee32e25 - Enable Performance/RedundantMatch
- bcc0e6a0 - Disable Rails/DynamicFindBy
- 6963a7ab - Disable Rails/OutputSafety
- 8deab1f0 - Enable Rails/Validation
- 3ecc53da - Enable Security/JSONLoad
- 2f9147ff - Enable Style/BarePercentLiterals
- 6674b35c - Disable Style/BracesAroundHashParameters
- 367b88d2 - Enable Style/ColonMethodCall
- 0bd839df - Enable Style/ConditionalAssignment
- b3249d6f - Fix specs
- 33e748a9 - Fix code for cops
- a45077ef - Old migration doesn’t require downtime
- 4bb6bf92 - Fix another spec
- d3018099 - Prefer leading style for Style/DotPosition
- 358df02a - Regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- 0be6f4f5 - Enable Style/ClassCheck
- 4f3738f4 - Enable Style/EmptyLineBetweenDefs
- 2b328ebe - Enable Style/MultilineArrayBraceLayout
- 8d5a5abc - Enable Style/MultilineHashBraceLayout
- 51294534 - Enable Style/WordArray
- 444e6f8b - Enable Rails/Delegate
- 309d590d - Fix new offenses
- df138180 - Don’t exclude some file in lib from rubocop
- 32a548af - Order cops alphabetically
- 4c2d3c82 - Update rubocop and rubocop-rspec and regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- 5acfb148 - Update rubocop and rubocop-rspec and regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- 2f7570cd - Add explanations to cops
- 60c65aa0 - Update haml_lint to work with newest rubocop
- d3795f99 - ActiveSupport delegation is preferred over Forwardable
- 2e5a474c - Exclude migrations from Style/MutableConstant
- 6c22b984 - Move up delegate calls
- 078f5975 - Manually correct autocorrect
- 1e9e899b - Revert "Enable Style/BarePercentLiterals"
- 9c3b0d07 - Revert "Prefer leading style for Style/DotPosition"
- f9ac5f7e - Revert "Enable Style/DotPosition"
Toggle commit list-
1ea94aca...e7a64ec3 - 58 commits from branch
added 55 commits
f9ac5f7e...52795c40 - 6 commits from branch
- 2317a58b - Update .rubocop_todo.yml
- ffde4800 - Enable Style/DotPosition
- 7658d7a8 - Enable Style/MutableConstant
- c2dcf7f7 - Enable Style/SpaceInsideBrackets
- 40a8e057 - Disable Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral
- da85f3c0 - Disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument
- 5d8a9947 - Custom cops don’t need to be mentioned in .rubocop.yml
- a1332dd6 - Disable a few RSpec cops
- df479f9b - Disable some more cops
- d5c718a3 - Enable Performance/RedundantMerge
- 5de2fcb7 - Enable Lint/UnifiedInteger
- 94646767 - Disable Lint/UnneededSplatExpansion
- 1aa8b89b - Enable Performance/RedundantBlockCall
- fd4988e1 - Enable Performance/RedundantMatch
- 169e25b0 - Disable Rails/DynamicFindBy
- a248f480 - Disable Rails/OutputSafety
- 64c1676f - Enable Rails/Validation
- 732380ce - Enable Security/JSONLoad
- e08dbe8a - Enable Style/BarePercentLiterals
- 86ee43d0 - Disable Style/BracesAroundHashParameters
- 93e85d23 - Enable Style/ColonMethodCall
- 39337cce - Enable Style/ConditionalAssignment
- de793959 - Fix specs
- 8e0dce77 - Fix code for cops
- f9175ec8 - Old migration doesn’t require downtime
- dc091d45 - Fix another spec
- 6dba0eb1 - Prefer leading style for Style/DotPosition
- 148ec744 - Regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- 499287fe - Enable Style/ClassCheck
- b1939822 - Enable Style/EmptyLineBetweenDefs
- 453b057b - Enable Style/MultilineArrayBraceLayout
- 6aee499d - Enable Style/MultilineHashBraceLayout
- 7e5e07a2 - Enable Style/WordArray
- c6a13093 - Enable Rails/Delegate
- e309816f - Fix new offenses
- c955e7ff - Don’t exclude some file in lib from rubocop
- ac1e4ce7 - Order cops alphabetically
- 82f877d6 - Update rubocop and rubocop-rspec and regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- fd9ef663 - Update rubocop and rubocop-rspec and regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- 77ba63ed - Add explanations to cops
- d18e113d - Update haml_lint to work with newest rubocop
- 18bf12e6 - ActiveSupport delegation is preferred over Forwardable
- b4241a7d - Exclude migrations from Style/MutableConstant
- 1a57a935 - Move up delegate calls
- 927ad38d - Manually correct autocorrect
- 0504b15c - Revert "Enable Style/BarePercentLiterals"
- 8949a5de - Revert "Prefer leading style for Style/DotPosition"
- d8ef888a - Revert "Enable Style/DotPosition"
- 80cdb455 - Fix OAuth/SAML user blocking behavior
Toggle commit list-
f9ac5f7e...52795c40 - 6 commits from branch
assigned to @rspeicher
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
- Resolved by Douwe Maan
added 80 commits
80cdb455...fae2650c - 30 commits from branch
- 547063b3 - Update .rubocop_todo.yml
- 3dadf306 - Enable Style/DotPosition
- b7d8df50 - Enable Style/MutableConstant
- c10064aa - Enable Style/SpaceInsideBrackets
- b664a542 - Disable Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral
- 7a81a41f - Disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument
- 73382c2f - Custom cops don’t need to be mentioned in .rubocop.yml
- 378ad332 - Disable a few RSpec cops
- c5a49cc3 - Disable some more cops
- 030baf70 - Enable Performance/RedundantMerge
- 3a8128f1 - Enable Lint/UnifiedInteger
- 8924594a - Disable Lint/UnneededSplatExpansion
- 215228b4 - Enable Performance/RedundantBlockCall
- ccbebbdf - Enable Performance/RedundantMatch
- b3c514ee - Disable Rails/DynamicFindBy
- 8df3eb66 - Disable Rails/OutputSafety
- 5cd9c7c6 - Enable Rails/Validation
- d78513cb - Enable Security/JSONLoad
- baafd8de - Enable Style/BarePercentLiterals
- b2da4623 - Disable Style/BracesAroundHashParameters
- 7ea641b6 - Enable Style/ColonMethodCall
- 8a4d68c5 - Enable Style/ConditionalAssignment
- 02494f7c - Fix specs
- 5c7f9d69 - Fix code for cops
- 0b27d633 - Old migration doesn’t require downtime
- f72a6560 - Fix another spec
- 206953a4 - Prefer leading style for Style/DotPosition
- f3a83dc8 - Regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- f74ca33a - Enable Style/ClassCheck
- 6023fbfd - Enable Style/EmptyLineBetweenDefs
- 99a34a52 - Enable Style/MultilineArrayBraceLayout
- eacae005 - Enable Style/MultilineHashBraceLayout
- 7d4b52b2 - Enable Style/WordArray
- 75f5fa99 - Enable Rails/Delegate
- e2bbbb1a - Fix new offenses
- 87c9df29 - Don’t exclude some file in lib from rubocop
- 2afb6546 - Order cops alphabetically
- ec5a74ec - Update rubocop and rubocop-rspec and regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- ba0d27fe - Update rubocop and rubocop-rspec and regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml
- cee2f0d4 - Add explanations to cops
- 56c5b211 - Update haml_lint to work with newest rubocop
- 32a70410 - ActiveSupport delegation is preferred over Forwardable
- 0a5b670a - Exclude migrations from Style/MutableConstant
- b3ff48c9 - Move up delegate calls
- 0beba025 - Manually correct autocorrect
- bdbc7d96 - Revert "Enable Style/BarePercentLiterals"
- 1fe7501b - Revert "Prefer leading style for Style/DotPosition"
- 56de781a - Revert "Enable Style/DotPosition"
- 6f5cd03f - Fix OAuth/SAML user blocking behavior
- f88ff0cc - Stylistic tweaks
Toggle commit list-
80cdb455...fae2650c - 30 commits from branch
changed milestone to %9.0
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for f88ff0cc succeeds
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for ade5e0b1 succeeds
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