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Add foreign keys to various tables that point to the "projects" table

Yorick Peterse requested to merge foreign-keys-for-project-model into master

This adds foreign keys to various tables that have project_id columns referring to the projects table. All these foreign keys have a ON DELETE CASCADE clause set, making it much easier and faster to remove data associated with a project (while also enforcing consistency). The MR includes a rather big migration to do all of this without requiring downtime and while making sure no orphaned data exists.

Some assocations are still removed by Rails. For example, LFS objects are still removed one by one as for every row we also need to remove data on the file system and there's no easy way of doing this in bulk. The same applies to CI artifacts and traces, which need to be migrated directory wise first (taken care of in

The EE version of this MR (to deal with EE code such as ElasticSearch) can be found here:

Related issues/MRs:

Migration Timings

Migration Time on Staging
ProjectForeignKeysWithCascadingDeletes 60 minutes at least
CorrectProtectedBranchesForeignKeys 1.6 seconds
AddForeignKeyForMergeRequestDiffs 60 seconds

The migration ProjectForeignKeysWithCascadingDeletes had to be run 3 times as the first time it did not take care of orphans in the protected_branch_push_access_levels table, leading to it failing when it tried to remove orphans from protected_branches. The second time it failed because a table had orphans again that were added after the last removal. The 3rd time it took 30 minutes to complete.

Edited by Yorick Peterse

Merge request reports