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Simple eslint fixes

Mike Greiling requested to merge simple-eslint-fixes into master

What does this MR do?

resolves about a dozen simple eslint violations mostly involving whitespace changes.

  • no-plusplus
  • semi
  • no-extra-semi
  • padded-blocks
  • no-irregular-whitespace
  • no-trailing-spaces
  • indent
  • comma-spacing
  • func-call-spacing
  • keyword-spacing
  • key-spacing
  • arrow-spacing
  • object-curly-spacing
  • template-curly-spacing
  • array-bracket-spacing
  • spaced-comment
  • no-multi-spaces
  • space-before-blocks
  • no-spaced-func
  • radix
  • no-dupe-keys
  • prefer-const
  • space-in-parens

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

ensure the non-whitespace changes were done correctly...

Why was this MR needed?

removal of ~"technical debt" and another step toward the eventual resolution of all eslint rules.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Merge request reports