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Revert "Fix callback url"

Wei-Meng Lee requested to merge revert-d219fbb9 into master

What does this MR do?

This change to the recommended settings (/users/auth/github/callback) on the GitHub side was causing GitHub project imports to fail.

For GitHub project imports, we create a redirect_uri of the form /users/auth/-/import/github (see

When trying to create a new project via GitHub import, you'd then end up with the following error:

Started GET "/import/github/new" for at 2019-06-05 23:52:57 +0000
Processing by Import::GithubController#new as HTML
Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 25ms (ActiveRecord: 3.5ms | Elasticsearch: 0.0ms)

Started GET "/users/auth/github/callback?error=redirect_uri_mismatch&error_description=The+redirect_uri+MUST+match+the+registered+callback+URL+for+this+application.&" for at 2019-06-05 23:52:58 +0000
Processing by OmniauthCallbacksController#failure as HTML
  Parameters: {"error"=>"redirect_uri_mismatch", "error_description"=>"The redirect_uri MUST match the registered callback URL for this application.", "error_uri"=>""}
Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 32ms (ActiveRecord: 2.6ms | Elasticsearch: 0.0ms)

The authorization callback URL needs to be /users/auth/ to support both the login case and the project import case.

Reported by customer via Zendesk (internal use only).

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  3. If there has not been a technical writer review, create an issue for one using the Doc Review template.

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