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Clarified the availability of docker-compose in documentation

Sven Gerlach requested to merge svengerlach/gitlab-ce:patch-54 into master

What does this MR do?

Me and others stumbled upon the misleading documentation of "using docker" within CI builds. The paragraph about the use of dind clearly stated, that docker-compose is available out of the box. That's just plain wrong, several people complained about it (Google for '".gitlab-ci.yml" "docker:dind" "docker-compose" not found' to find a list of issues related to the problem):

Additionally, the tip at the top of the documentation leads the user in the direction, that docker-compose is available out of the box and ready for use.

This MR updates the documentation to clarify the fact, that docker-compose is not part of dind and the developer willing to adapt CI with docker-compose is in charge of installing docker-compose in his build scripts.

Because I don't wanted to install docker-compose over and over again, I've setup the following project, that builds a dind version already containing docker-compose:

Having to install docker-compose over and over again takes time (especially due to the recently grown amount of dependencies). I'd like to avoid that, as it just eats up the available CI runner minutes of my non-OSS projects. ;-)

Merge request reports