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Retry application upgrade > Success message (Add toast success message)

Jacques Erasmus requested to merge 57017-add-toast-success-message into master

What does this MR do?

When a user retries a Runner application upgrade and it succeeds, the user will see a banner alert.

This MR replaces the current banner alert with a toast message.

Closes #57017 (closed)

Dependent on gitlab-ui!235 (merged)

Note: In order to test this MR the yarn install command needs to be executed in the project.



To simulate an "Upgrade failure" state (to show the Retry update button), the following commands can be executed:

Open rails console: bundle exec rails console

In rails console execute the following:

  1. cluster = Clusters::Cluster.find <id> Note: <id> can be found in the browser url when navigating to the cluster
  2. runner = cluster.application_runner
  3. runner.update!(status: 6)

To simulate an "Upgrade succeeded" state (to show the toast message):

Click the Retry update button and wait for a successful upgrade.

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