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Resolve transient failure in Help page spec

Robert Speicher requested to merge rs-transient-help-page-failure into master

04a3e48c - Use class methods for VersionCheck

All of these methods are stateless, there was no point to have them as instance methods.

Mostly this allows us to remove an allow_any_instance_of usage.

fac5c0e7 - Resolve transient failure in Help page spec

Sometimes due to a slow request to load the version check image, the placeholder image data was still being seen, resulting in this failure:

expected "" to end with "/version-check-url"

Now we check the data-src attribute, which allows us to remove the :js metadata.

This commit also removes a redundant test, which was just ensuring that the selector we were already using in the other test is visible. If this test were failing, the other one would always fail too, so it was pointless.


Edited by Robert Speicher

Merge request reports