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Keep IDE RightPane views alive

Paul Slaughter requested to merge ide-keep-right-pane-tabs-alive into master

What does this MR do?

Introduces a Vuex module for managing panes and update the IDE's RightPane to keep certain views alive.


Scenario 1:

  • Note how the pipeline list component stays alive 20180928_ide_right_panes_alive1

Scenario 2:

  • Note how the pipeline list component stays alive
  • Note how the pipeline tab opens / closes the current view
  • Note how the job details component refreshes on open / close 20180928_ide_right_panes_alive2

Notes for reviewer

Why do we need to keep views alive?

The upcoming Web Terminal feature requires this. gitlab-ee#5426

It also improves the existing UX.

Why do some views need to not be kept alive?

Some views caused issues when they were not disposed (namely jobs-detail). It may also be preferable for these views to reload themselves when opened / closed.

Why a brand new Vuex module?

This actually makes the code simpler by not polluting the root Vuex module. It also creates an opportunity for reuse.

What are the relevant issue numbers?

  • gitlab-ee#5426

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Edited by Paul Slaughter

Merge request reports