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WIP: Automatically create service account/role restricted to only the project's namespace

What does this MR do?

Automatically create service account/role restricted to only the project's namespace and expose it as environment variable

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Backend - To do

  • Modify ServiceAccount to use project namespace
  • Create a token for the new ServiceAccount
  • If RBAC enabled create RoleBinding with edit access for the ServiceAccount
  • If RBAC disabled, don’t create RoleBinding
  • -Expose ServiceAccount as environment variable KUBE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
  • Replace KUBE_TOKEN with KUBECONFIG with new credentials

Refactor/Clean up

  • Clarify CreateServiceAccountService specs
  • Clean up constants on Clusters::GCP::Kubernetes
  • Test for kubernetes variables
  • Delete ClusterRoleBinding class?

Manual QA

  • Create ABAC Cluster
  • Install all applications on ABAC
  • Create RBAC Cluster
  • Install all applications on RBAC
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